Cost-Effective Landscaping Tips For House Flippers In Dallas & Fort Worth

As a real estate investor, you don’t want to waste your time and money with high-maintenance landscaping. In our latest post, you’ll learn about cost-effective landscaping techniques to maximize your curb appeal without breaking the bank.

Landscaping can have a huge effect on your ability to quickly sell a home. It’s the first thing people see when they come to see the home. First impressions are huge. People will often decide if they are going to purchase or not within the first few seconds of seeing the home. Having cost-effective landscaping will help bring more attention to your home. Keep reading to see some of our best tips.

Use The Right Light

Just like the interior of your home, using the right lighting can help to add interest and highlight certain features within your yard. There are all kinds of different lighting types and fixtures you can choose from. Lighting can really set the mood. By using smart lighting choices, you’ll create an area where people will want to be. Think of creative lighting techniques that are also functional. You’ll want to make sure paths and walkways are well lit, without using lighting that is too harsh or industrial.

Keep Some Things Hidden

Some fixtures we use on a daily basis can also be eyesores. AC units, pool equipment, trash cans, and utility boxes don’t always go with the design of the yard. These items can easily be hidden with a small cabinet or a few plants or shrubs. Sometimes by simply eliminating an eyesore, the entire ambiance of the area can be changed. Try to hide these things in order to make the area appear more welcoming and inviting.

Add Some Edges

Adding a border will instantly help to create flower beds and designated areas throughout your yard. There are all kinds of materials you can work with. Small fencing, bricks, plastic barriers, or even rocks from your own yard, can be used to separate a garden from everything else. Once the barrier is up, you’ll just need to add a few plants, some mulch, and you’re done. Your yard will appear professionally designed, without much cost or effort.

Mulch Alternatives

When mulching your garden, you can use free alternatives to traditional, and sometimes expensive store-bought mulch. Leaves, grass clippings, newspaper and even in some cases stone, can all be used to mulch. Plus, all of these items are already in your house or yard. By using what you already have, you’ll save some money and a trip to the nursery.

Make a Path

Whether you use stones, gravel, wood, or stepping stones, adding a path will create interest and offer functionality. You can make your own stepping stones to add even more customization to the area. Pavers and brick are relatively inexpensive and durable ways to create a path that will stand the test of time. By creating a path, you’ll add interest and be able to connect two areas, such as a path from the shed to the garden.

Choose Perennials

Homeowners will love that they won’t need to replant a garden year after year in order for it to look nice. You’ll want to choose plants that come back year after year, without much effort or coaxing. Once the plants are strong, you can even divide them, slowly adding more greenery to an area, all from one original plant. A few great perennials include peonies, daylilies, shasta daisies, hydrangea, and hostas which all come back year after year with minimal effort.

We can help you learn more about cost-effective landscaping techniques for your Dallas & Fort Worth investment property. Get in touch with us today! (972)737-7571

Christina Spence

Christina Spence, a dedicated wife, mother, and friend, is committed to helping homeowners in the Dallas-Fort Worth area find solutions during difficult times. She and her husband offer a simple, stress-free process. They are end buyers, purchasing pre-foreclosed or unwanted homes in the North Texas area, ensuring families can quickly move forward with confidence.

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